Tuesday, August 7, 2007

well just spent the last 4 hours arguing with my mate about one of my rats. Poor boy has a lump on his back, that appears to just involve the skin.........doesnt seem to be any connection to the underlying tissues.
He wants me to take him to the vet, and normally i would, but with whats happened with me lately, having to pay $300.00 excess for the car, and BORROW $100.00 of that, and all the normal stuff i dont even have gas for the car until payday, so he offered to pay something. This is the guy thats got a girl going in for a spay on thurs and has just offered to pay half for the surgery for a rat in the rescue as well. Well i finally had to give in...........ffs i WANT to take Griff to the vet, i just dont wanna bankrupt HIM in the process. Ive always managed, ive always been expected to manage and ive always been alone.......i should be able to do this. And i have a bad feeling about this. I dont know what im gonna do if anything happens to Griff........hes one of my special boys.....on top of losing Daggs and Norbs itll kill me :(

but i also feel terrible about taking money off other people too........i SHOULD be able to do this myself. I dont DO needy *sighs* plus the fact that im not that sure about my vets ability to do a lump removal surgery

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