Tuesday, August 14, 2007

things that make you go *$^%&#

LOL well there arent too many today..........actually if i had to describe today id say..........*yawn*
its been a pretty dull one. Other than work ive had very little contact with anyone today.
most of the people i usually talk to are busy, so all up its been fairly tedious. smoked too much and havent eaten enough LOL tho i did have an apple so i havent been TOTALLY bad
im hopeing that one friend who was taking her rat to the vet today has good news, tho i doubt it :(
on the up side i HAVE managed to change this week to all 7 am starts which beats the shit outta 8 am, mainly cos trying to get across town at that hour can take up to 2 HOURS!!!
at least with a 7 am start i can get here in 20 mins and be gone by 3
lol that IS ofc assuming that i have enough gas to get here for the rest of the fortnite ;)..got $30.00 in the bank so hopefully thatll do it....if not im screwed, which is prob the closest im gonna get to a screw anyway ROFL
spent all day yesterday cleaning cages so at least i know that the boys are nice and clean.....ish lol
im also trying to be good and not bug my mate who has, god knows, had to put up with me rather more than any person should ROFL....its really not fair to lay the responsibility for quelling my insecurities on him, not to mention that having to put up with me for any length of time is enough to drive a saint nuts......and while hes many things canonisation isnt one hes up for lol
he tells me that its not a prob, but i find it hard to believe..........im not exactly scintillating company lol, even tho ill grant ya, im not the worst company either
i still have to take some pics of the lastest rattie additions to the mischief as well, tho gawd knows when im gonna manage that...have to be some time when i dont have the family from hell bitching constantly

youre weary
so tired of chasing will o the whisps
that turn to mist
if you capture them
where you looking for me?
when you looked into the dark
braving the cold
or peered into the light
making your eyes run with tears
when you travelled the world
and looked in every book
were you seeking me?
always so busy looking
and now finally you sit
head in hands
finally quiet enough to hear
listen to me listen to me play your heart
the drumbeat of your life
listen to me sing in your blood
the rushing in your veins
listen to me whisper in your ear
now youre quiet enough to hear
ive been talking to you
all your life
ive always been here

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