Tuesday, August 7, 2007

some more poems

this one i guess you could say is about suicide............or perhaps its about transcendence......tbh im not sure

Look at the candle flame
That we circle like moths
Flirting with its heat
Weaving our fluttering paths
Around the centre
Wanting to be part of it
To give ourselves over
But afraid of the pain
And unable to face the dark
Do moths ever fear
I wonder
That incandescent moment
of self immolation
When they and the flame become one?
Do moths have second thoughts?

Two Faces
There are two faces in my mirror,
One is me……..that’s my smile,
My cooly self depreciating laugh
Those are my eyes,
And the glossy coating is intact
No hint of whats inside
The other does not smile,
Nor laugh,
Her eyes flinch from mine,
Red with weeping,
But watchful,
Like a caged cat
She says I should know her,
This frightened, wild creature
Look at me, she pleads
I'm dying …….
I wish I could avoid mirrors

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